Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Bodies we Leave Behind- Part 1

I had dinner recently with a long time dear old friend. We are not a normal pair and from the outside mutual acquaintances probably wonder why we are so close. Even though we are different on many levels, we are in the same place right now-appreciative of quiet and space and full of gratitude and amazement over our respective children. Time flew while we dined, wonderful hours that felt like minutes.

While chatting we touched on a friend of my friend’s. A woman that I had had a brief encounter with years ago that, embarrassingly, didn’t turn out very prettily. I vaguely remember other people being involved and taking sides, terrible things being said and even some name calling and yelling. I remember this being a terrible time in my life. Divorcing my children’s Father, being in and out of court, trying to focus on running my business and being a new single Mom, I was not a nice person and was in anything but a nice place. This is not an excuse. I wasn’t nice and my behavior was not acceptable. Period. I take full responsibility.

What I don’t remember was what in the world our issue was. I don’t remember why we didn’t like each other and why we were so ugly and ridiculously mean. I have no idea why our claws were out and why our actions were so low and immature.

Has me wondering about the bodies we leave behind us. Running our businesses on adrenaline, how many people do we leave in our paths? Not giving the time or attention to people who could make a profound difference on our lives and the success of our business. Did we rush that interview for needing to get out the door and miss out what could have been an amazing hire? Did we cut that customer off and not listen to what they really needed causing them to take their money elsewhere? Were we thoughtlessly rude to a supplier who was just trying to take care of our business needs?

Do we forget to just stop, take a breath, live in the moment and give our full attention to someone in front of us? Do we let our emotions get out of control and not engage when we need to engage and HEAR?

I know in my heart my friend wouldn’t be so close to this woman if she wasn’t amazing. She doesn’t take relationships lightly so being close to this woman must be a blessing. How sad that I may have missed out what on what could also have been an amazing friendship. I’ve asked if I can join them for coffee someday soon. I’d like to apologize and reconnect. I’d like to recover this body instead of leaving it behind. I challenge you to stop leaving bodies behind.

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